2008年9月30日 星期二

Such a movie junkie!!

Wow~seeing three movies in two days.

the first and the best one is Cape NO7.,it really touches my heart and let me laugh and tear.
just like i wrote and described before.

oh~god!!the seconed one is Burn After Reading,its such a top 1 movie flop in this year.
Just because a movie has 2 very high profiled actors: Clooney & Pitt doesn't mean the movie will be good. What a waste of time and money this movie was.It was by far the worst movie I have seen in quite a while. The continued use of the four letter f-word got tiresome.
It is not a movie I could recommend renting when it comes available.I want my 2 hours and money back. It starts out funny and involved,and then all of this sick killing starts.
There is something wrong with people who make a movie in such a way that they make brutal killing a comedy for the audience to laugh at.
No matter how good or bad a person might be,it is never a funny thing for that person's life to end in a brutal/bloody way. This movie reminded me of the absolutely horrendous "Fargo" where they wanted you to think it was funny that a man's partner was in the wood chipper. These directing brother's have a sick sense of humor.We have enough of this psychotic crap in the news and out on the streets. We don't need to pay and lose two hours of our life for the same stuff that two idiots trick you into thinking is "funny, funny, ha, ha".
What a shame that all of these gifted actors were talked into starring in such a mentally twisted movie. DO NOT SEE THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE A REALLY DEMENTED, SICK SENSE OF HUMOR.

the last one is Babylon A.D.
I dont know what I expected,but this movie didnt do much for us. Very disjointed didnt make any sense at all.I sure excepted a lot more from Vin Diesel.
On the less positive side,the jerky handheld camerawork,coupled with the extreme closeups,all detracts from the action scenes. Also,the whole religious aspect,which comes later in the film,is a surprise after the action-adventure movie that we started with(not that the action-adventure part stops, and I'm not opposed to a religious theme in a movie).
Overall,I enjoyed the acting and some scences were intense and emotional.Fortunately,the joke that it becomes is laughable,and that's what I did.But then,that's a sort of entertainment,isn't it? Why yes it is.

yup,typhoon days i enjoy in movie times,gorgeous!!
rain,rain,rain...really let me down and trouble to do anything.
enjoy in movies,after that just spacing out and calm down my mind,and then face to the music.
something can learn from movies!!
I'm such a movie junkie!!

2008年9月29日 星期一

Cape NO7. let me ups and downs!!

after seeing Cape NO7.,my mind feel ups and down.

i miss somebody,but our relationship is ambiguous.

i can remind...
Your lips are so sweet, and your smile is so naive.
When you gaze at me affectionately,as if my soul is brought away with you.
When I lie on your breast,I know I'm the most beatific woman in the world.
It makes me feel that you are sexy when you concentrate on something.
I like your all.

In the long term,my relationship is difficult to turn into smooth.
i'm truly sick and tired of every single ambiguous relationship.
it's easy for me to plunge deep in to the depth of love.
It's even more pathetic that I have no idea whether we are valentines or just good friends. sometimes I feel helpless and can't feel you at all as you are just like a stranger to me.
This makes our relationship unreal and not exist there.
I'm scared and enough to be leave alone.

Because of your suddenly present,my life is filled with hope.
You can turn me down,but don't lie to me.
Your impression has been etched deeply in my heart.

But now i feel...
even we see the same rainbow,could we feel the same thing??
even the letter/message u didn't get it,could u feel what i care about?
Anyway,love is only a feeling.
i can't put ur mind,i wanna take care and do my best to u quietly,even we don't meet each other for a long time.

My head is thinking...
My heart is pumping...
My life is jumpming...
I expect the whole new life is coming...

I'm feeling blue,maybe things are never as bad as they seem.
Things will get better.Don't let it disturb my life,I can just wait for ur infor.
wait... wait... wait...things will find exit eventually...

Cape No7. touches my heart,its let u laugh and tear,i can feel lot of scene in the movie...
in long run,there must have a someone silently support u,just wait and wait...

2008年9月25日 星期四

Being a clever-clogs!!

effing hell!
Although i'm very good at 「Mass Communication Theory」&「Integrate Marketing Communication」;but both of them are new development theory.
it seems i have to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the Psychology & Marketing.its a huge field,let me headache!!
Being a clever-clogs isn't an eady job.
Maybe i have to back to aquare one and study the basic theory and development,or i'll abdabs in front of some disscussion about history and development.
start from all Greek to me to familiar with all!!
Stop arsing about and go to hit the library.
It must be as fuck a good decision for me!!
face the music and go for it~GOGOGO!!

Traditional Taiwanese Food/Snack!!

燒餅   Clay oven rolls
油條   Fried bread stick
韭菜盒  Fried leek dumplings
水餃   Boiled dumplings
蒸餃   Steamed dumplings
饅頭   Steamed buns
割包   Steamed sandwich
飯糰   Rice and vegetable roll
蛋餅   Egg cakes
豆漿   Soybean milk
米漿   Rice & peanut milk
肉包  Meat dumplings
菜包  Vegetables bun stuffed
生煎包  Get the fried pack
小籠包  Small steamed bun
厚片土司 Thick slice of toast
蔥油餅 Green onion pancake
糯米糰 Sticky/Glutinous Rice roll
鍋貼 Fried dumplings

稀飯   Rice porridge
白飯   Plain white rice
油飯   Glutinous oil rice
糯米飯  Glutinous rice
滷肉飯  Braised pork rice/ braised pork rice
蛋炒飯  Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥  Sweet potato congee
炒飯 Fried rice
肉粽 rice dumpling
雞肉飯 Turkey Rice
竹筒飯 Bamboo Shoot Soup
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

餛飩麵  Wonton & noodles
刀削麵  Sliced noodles
麻辣麵  Spicy hot noodles
麻醬麵  Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉麵  Duck with noodles
鵝肉麵  Goose with noodles
鱔魚麵  Eel noodles
烏龍麵  Seafood noodles
蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles
板條   Flat noodles
米粉   Rice noodles
炒米粉  Fried rice noodles
冬粉   Green bean noodle
榨菜肉絲麵  Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
陽春麵 The noodles in a simple sauce
乾麵 The universe
湯麵 The noodles in soup
炒麵 Fried noodles
台南擔仔麵 Tainan noodles
魷魚羹 thickened soup with cuttlefish wrapped in fish paste

【熱炒─hot meal】
雪菜魚卷 Steamed Fish Rolls with Vegetables
煎魚 Fried Fish
豆油魚 Soy Sauce Fish
生蒸魚 Steamed Fish
糖醋魚 Sweet and sour fish
鱸魚(清蒸.泰式) Steamed or Thai Style sea bass
烤鰻 Grilled Eel
桂花蟳 Fried Crab with Egg
鹽穌蟳塊 Salt and Pepper Crab
雞絲海蜇 Shredded Chicken and Jellyfish
蒜絨田雞 Deep Fried Frogs with Garlic
走油田雞 Fried Frog with Onion
炸雞塊 Deep Fried Chicken
三杯雞 Three Cups Chicken
鹹菜大腸 Salted Vegetables with Pig Intestines
麻油腰花 Stir Fried Pork Kidneys with Sesame Oil
肉醬茄子 Minced Pork with Eggplant
瓜仔肉 Steamed Minced Pork with Pickles
小魚花生 Small Fried Fish with Peanuts
炸蝦球 Deep Fried Shrimp Balls
雞卷 Meat Rolls with Onion
生炒苦瓜 Fried Bitter Melon
炒大蛤 Fried Clams
時菜花枝 Fried Squid with Vegetables
花枝丸 Deep Fried Squid Balls
白灼蝦 Boiled Shrimp
紫菜蝦卷 Deep Fried Shrimp Rolls in Seaweed
生蒸小龍蝦 Steamed Lobster
蔭鼓蚵 Fried Oysters in Black Bean Sauce
奶油牛菲力 butter beef fillet
牛培根 beef bacon
鐵板牛培根 terpenyaki beef bacon
鐵板沙朗 terpenyaki sirloin
若芽牛肉捲 bean sprouts beef roll
牛肉串 skewer beef
黑椒牛柳 black paper stripped beff
羊肉炒空心菜 Stir fried water spinach with sliced lamb meat
紅燒豆腐 Bean curd in soy sauce
麻婆豆腐 bean cured in chili sauce
蔥爆牛肉 Sliced beef with scallion
炒蛤蠣 Stir fried clam
豆鼓鮮蚵 Oyster in black bean sauce
蒜泥鮮蚵 Oyster with garlic sauce
蚵酥 Deep fried oyster
薑絲大腸 Pork intestines with ginger
生炒花枝 Stir fried cuttlefish with vegetables
客家小炒 Stir fried pork, celery and ucttlefish
滑蛋蝦仁 Scrambled egg with shrimp
宮保雞丁 Spicy chicken with peanut
芹菜鵝腸 Goose intestines with celery
香酥田雞 Deep fried frog meat
桂花豬肋排 Pork spare rib flower sauce
鹽酥龍珠 Deep fried octopus
海鮮捲 Deep fried seafood roll
炸水晶魚 Deep fried crystal fish
鹽酥蝦 Fried shrimp with salt
鳳梨蝦球 Fried shrimp ball with pineapple
避風塘軟殼蟹 Cantonese style stir fried soft shell crab
麻油松坂肉 Kobe pork with sesame oil
蟹黃豆腐堡 Crab and bean curd in clay pot
紅燒海蔘堡 Sea cucumber with soy sauce in clay pot
鐵板(豆腐.鮮蚵.牛柳.鴕鳥肉) (Bean curd/oyster/beef/ostrich) in hot iron plate
炒蘆筍 Fried asparagus
蛤蠣絲瓜 Stir fried Clam with loofah
鹹蛋苦瓜 Bitter gourd with salty egg
塔香茄子 Eggplant with Basil
山蘇 Stir fried asplenium nidus
冷盤類鵝肉 Marinated goose meat
油雞腿肉 Marinated drumstick
泰式雙鮮 Thai style drumstick and cuttlefish salad
鮑魚沙拉 Abalone salad
冷苦瓜 Cold bitter gourd saladSASHIMI
生魚片鮭魚 Salmon
鮪魚 Tuna

魚丸湯  Fish ball soup
貢丸湯  Meat ball soup
蛋花湯  Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊湯  Clams soup
蚵仔湯   Oyster soup
紫菜湯   Seaweed soup
酸辣湯   Sweet & sour soup
餛飩湯   Wonton soup
豬腸湯   Pork intestine soup
肉羹湯   Pork thick soup
花枝湯   Squid soup
花枝羹   Squid thick soup
紫菜蛋花湯 Egg and seaweed soup
魚翅湯 Shark fin soup
雞蓉玉米湯 Chicken and corn soup
青菜豆腐湯 Tofu and Vegetable Soup
鹹菜肚片湯 Saltede Vegetable and Tripe Soup
薑絲蚵仔湯 Oyster Soup
鮮魚味噌湯 Fresh fish miso soup

愛玉   Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫蘆  Tomatoes on sticks
長壽桃  Longevity Peaches
芝麻球  Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花   Hemp flowers
雙胞胎  Horse hooves
芋餅 Deep Fried Taro Balls
芋棗 Deep Fried Taro and Egg Yolk Balls
雞蛋布丁 Egg Pudding
冰糖蓮子 Lotus Seeds with Crystal Sugar
麻糬 Sticky Rice Cakes
太陽餅 Sun Cake

綿綿冰  Mein mein ice
麥角冰  Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰  Sweet potato ice
八寶冰  Eight treasures ice
豆花   Tofu pudding
紅豆牛奶冰  Red bean with milk ice
四色冰 Shaved ice with syrup
芒果冰 shaved ice with diced mango
仙草 grass jelly
檸檬愛玉 lemon aiyu jelly
芋圓 The taro is round
挫冰 Frustrate the ice

甘蔗汁  Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁  Plum juice
楊桃汁  Star fruit juice
青草茶  Herb juice
沙士 Sarsaparilla
木瓜牛奶 Papaya milk
珍珠奶 Pearl milk tea
烏龍茶 Oolong
人蔘茶 Ginseng
麥茶 Wheat
高梁 Kaoliang
紹興酒 Shaohsing
冬瓜茶 winter melon tea

蚵仔煎  Oyster omelet
棺材板  Coffin
臭豆腐  Stinky tofu
油豆腐  Oily bean curd
天婦羅  Tenpura
蝦片   Prawn cracker
蝦球   Shrimp balls
春捲   Spring rolls
雞捲   Chicken rolls
紅豆糕  Red bean cake
綠豆糕  Bean paste cake
豬血糕  Pigs blood cake
糯米糕  Glutinous rice cakes
芋頭糕  Taro cake
肉圓   Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶餃  Pyramid dumplings
肉丸   Rice-meat dumplings
蘿蔔糕  Fried white radish patty
豆干   Dried tofu
章魚燒 octopus burns
菜脯蛋 Radish omelet
炒花生 Fired peanuts
香雞排 Deep fried chicken breast
碗粿 Salty rice pudding
水晶餃 Pyramid dumplings
豬腳 pork knuckles
貢丸 Pork spheres
大餅包小餅 small bun wrapped in large bun
當歸鴨   Angelica duck
醬菜 chowchow
豆腐乳 fermented soybean curd
草仔粿 The grass so
芋粿翹 Is the taro stuck up
百頁豆腐 The louver bean curd
鹹酥雞 The salty crisp chicken
蒸蛋 Steam eggs
皮蛋 100-year egg
鹹鴨蛋 Salted duck egg
甜不辣 fish cakes served with sweet sauce
大腸包小腸 small sausage in large sausage
檳榔 bettle nut
檳榔西施 bettle nut beauty
潤餅 Mixed Vegetable Roll
蚵卷 Oyster Rolls
阿給 Oily Bean Curd
鴨賞 Smoked Duckling
火鍋 hot pot
海鮮火鍋 Seafood hot pot
養生菇雞鍋 Chicken hot pot with mushroom
麻油雞鍋 Chicken hot pot with sesame oil

2008年9月22日 星期一

Que sera,sera...

Wow!end of the substantial weekend!!
twice of drinking,twice of BBQ,with lots of my dear friends,and end of the concert.

i had a ball on weekend.the concert's player is come from Japan and she's just 22 years old.─ Yano Saori is a famous jazz musician,also a AD model.Sax. concecert is one of my favorite plays,it's really let me enjoy the romance silencely.

recalling the weekend,it had lots of fun and intersting.
thanks to steven's parents preparing BBQ,thanks to benny inviting our to romantic bar,thanks to my classmate giving me tickets to enjoy the concert,thanks to my parents perparing wonderful BBQ.

haha,〝freebie〞!!sounds i can get anaything for free,it's not the truth.i think i have lots of friends that all kind to me,so i'm really happiness.yeah,freebie is good for everyone,but feedback is an important thing to the other side.

sometimes i think i'm a big klutz!!often to fell down,hurt myself,knock something down,blah blah blah.Although the most seriously thing was hurt my nose twice,Ooops,how stupid i am.but the others just do some stupid things,maybe i have to more concentrate on everything and be careful.

haha,these days i find that 〝Traditional Taiwaneses snack〞 is really hard to translate to English,its my big homework i have to do,hope i can tell fluently next time.

oh its cool that this week i learned the new word─Sausage fest─When u get into a party or ball room,but u just see almost the guys u must scream 〝Sausage fest〞!!its an interesting atmosphere,if i bump into it,i must think maybe a queer party!!haha!!

this weekend i had lots of fun and learned a lot,But too bad that at the end of week,My mom is pissed at Dad,Cuz they had a fight,what i can do was stop them and listening they bitched 24-7.oh,god!!just for trival things,let me feel down.

Actually i was spacing out continuously today.the weather was nasty and strange,maybe the typhoon is coming.

By the other hand,I've got homework up the butt!i just wanna veg-out and hope i already finished all the things,haha,i have to face the music.

nearly end of Sept.,everything i have to do really get on my nerves!!Holy cow!!...
just wanna be a lazy bum.haha!!chin up and .....
something can't express at here...
Que sera,sera...

2008年9月19日 星期五

Yo!!maybe 〝let it be〞 is a good choice!!^^

WOw~in an instant,today is friday!!
i think this week really a busy week!!
i formally start my second year of masters,and also make sure to go to school on Monday,Wednesday,and thusday.
its also my last credits i have to finish,it means i don't have to go school at last semester.
yesterday i run into one of my dissertation's professors,actuaaly he is the one i really wanna delete from my advisors.
But yesterday suddenly i feel not hate him like before,maybe i don't attend his class this semester so feel so good...
ok!!for me,i can say for sure that i absolutely can control my dissertation,and send to my advisor excellently.

cuz the day before yesterday really make me exhusted,but had lots of fun and sweet time.
Although i went massaged with my friends before class,i really feeled tired in my last night's

ok!thinking about what i did this week,oh,look like busy,but almost the trival things.i went to school three times a week,study,do my nails and feet care,work-out,shopping with family,massage,and hang out with brian.oh,i really treat myself nicely,and had lots of fun and sweet time.

Tonight let me difficult to make decision,i don't know so far...what will be will be!!...
so far...i had a good time this week,but i don't know how on weekend....Mmmmm....tell u later...
now i have to concentrate on my study and dissertation first...


2008年9月14日 星期日

trival matters!!

oh~yesterday i believed everybody lived a boring day.
the typhoon stopped people out,of course,some of my friends still went out...i really wanna go out,but my mom...
haha,what can we do in typhoon holiday,i summarized as follow:
first,sleeping all day long.this kind of person run away from the reality.they just sleep,eat,sleep,eat,sleep...they may think its a good time to sleep and no excuse.its also a good method to kill the time.
secondly,Watching TV & DVD.this kind of people feel bored,and really wanna go out,so they just watch TV & DVD to kill time,and hope typhoon go away quickly.they must eager to go out.their personality must outgoing and optimistic.yeah,they also turn up the audio and as if to the theatre.
thirdly,surfing the internet all day.most of this kind of people must do MSN,on-line games,seaerch websites,ect.they are afraid of being lonely,so they chat with friends or stranger on-line.yeah,its spetacular that MSN at least keep 100 people on-line.haha,its interesting.
fourth,studying and reading.Wow,this kind of people must be happy.cuz they get the free day to substantial himself/herself.they almost enjoy in its atmosphere,how excellent they are.
fifth,stick out to go out.they've got guts.no matter how crazy typhoon is,nobody can block them,haha,they may go singing,see the movie,or execute the original plan.cool,nothing in their way.they just feel trouble to get wet.
at last,i come dowm to 〝poor person〞.for example,TV news,hospital,transportation,convenient stores,etc.they all work regularly.they have servve to mass and keep alert to any emergency,so they really be respected.
Wow~above of all are some normal thing everybody will do.and also associating with someone's personality.
to analyze this environment is intersting,haha!!
its like a cow that still around the Taiwan,it's really a funky typhoon!!

2008年9月13日 星期六

Typhoon go away,please!!

oh~God!!it's a crazy typhoon!!whatevver its change stronger to medieum...
i sat at balcony....i can feel this typhoon severe wound entire Taiwan, many disaster situations unceasingly spread,
therefore we should in usually have many to pay attention to training which it takes measures againstnatural disasters, but is not occurs after the disaster only then strengthens it to train,
so first, when the typhoon comes again,receives the injury also can reduce many,
also hoped this institute creates the injury can reduce to is smallest,
also hoped the wounded could soon be restored to health.
i watched TV all day,although it's really boring.but i can realise that it's trouble lots of people.
for us,just wanna it go away,but for some people it not just the disaster situation but also have to Compensation Paid.
i heared from TV news that they perdicted this year will come 27 typhoons,it's just thirteenth,
oh,bad news!!now i just wanna it go away quickly and not like a turtle,please.
ok!now also a good time to concentrate on my dissertation,or next week maybe i'll scare to contact my professor,haha!!
yeah,typhoon is a total drag!!don't let typhoon flub my plan.don't have a blonde moment!!
just wake up!and go for it!GO GO GO!!
typhoon go away!!

Super typhoon,Sinkalu!!

Wow~super typhoon Sinkalu rushing one after another.Its radius had already expanded to 250km yesterday afternoon.its destroy infrastructure,other cities,and reunion for Mid-moon festival.
it's really bringdown that bump into typhoon.moreover,this typhoon is giant,crazy and slowly like a turtle.sad!!
However,it seems it was diminishing but there's going to be a slight delay.
God!!no matter how typhoon is,hope everybody be careful and have a nice time in typhoon holiday.
Uh-huh!!this year was coming lots of typhoons,i hate it.hope its the last super typhoon one.
i still have to do something i wanna do today,hope everything go smoothly.
good luck!!

2008年9月11日 星期四

yup!what will be,wiil be!!

YO!today start my second year of master degree!!Actually,the new semester let me excited and nervous!!Cuz school life is more interesting than live alone,but have a big pressure from dissertation.Although i leave one year to graduate,but i only have 9 credits to finish,of course,i'll finish it at the first semester,and the last semester i can concenttrate on my dissertation and go abroad.

Today's class talks about 〝culture industries〞.In fact,i choose this class because of professor and recommendation.However,after the first class,i thought it'll be interesting and useful to me.i'm really lucky to attend this class.i believe this class must be of great benefit to me!!
What i would like to say is that the second year of master degree must be great,i expect that the step is on the track.

Oh~Gee!!the other bad thing is that the typhoon is really coming,we must cancel BBQ.it's sad!!yeah,it seems every Mid-moon festival all bump into typhoon.this year is no exception.
hope now typhoon is joking and go away,it's crepehanger to control by the weather.
just wanna do some outdoor activities,and wanna see beautiful moon.let's break 〝raining curse〞!!


some feeling,some matter,some person,some tomfoolery...

more anecdotes are beyond description!!

2008年9月9日 星期二

Thanks to my dear friends!!

Un-huh!24 years old!
these day,i'm at peace.just wanna veg-out!
yeah,my friends always think that i don't have a care in the world.
sure,i'm content and come to grips with reality,but i feel more pressure on my shoulder.
i treasure everything around me,including my family,friends,things,etc.thanks everything everybody do for me!
First,thanks a million that best wish from my friends.
thanks to Andrew,Brian,Max,Mina,naomi,dannis,william,joyce,stanley,小雞,張智斌,秀秀, 甜魚&他男友,edance&他男友,小白&他女友,小靖,烏鴉&他朋友,小愛,小克,小愛的朋友,mina的朋友,ㄚ德。they all came my birthday party,let me a Unforgettable birthday.
In addition to,thanks to小介,阿昌,小虎,鉉堯,郁凱,尚玲,lief,大砲,小冒,april,亭均,nugas.ur wish i all got it!
i'm pleasure that i have lots of friends support me and emphsize me.i'm as snug as a bug in the rug.
more older i must be mature,attractive,aggressive,and independent.trust myself that go on;i can do it.

recantly,my friends bump into some confused about love.someone broke up,someone have a fight,sure,someone still sweet.no matter how situation u have to face,trust youself choose,i must do my best to help my dear friends.hope u many happy and happiness returns!!^^

2008年9月7日 星期日

perfect party!!^^

Wow~perfect birthday party!!
i'm really happy!To advance hold my birthday party by two days,there were coming 27 people!!
they're all my best and treasure friends!!Although some of my friends didn't come to celebrate,but i all got ur blessing.
yesterday,i lived two perfect party,exhusted but really wonderful time!!
First,i was hosting a dinner party at restaurant.Although i spoke for 2 hours and didn't have time to eat anything,but the atmosphere was fabulous!every guests all had a great time!
After my host work,i ran to my birthday party.
i got there on time,cuz i was desire to meet my dear friends.though some person didn't come cuz some reasons,but still coming lots of friends i wanna meet.
we feel free in the Crissy lounge,i wanna every person come here all had a great time,i did my best to care everybody,hope its party let u relax and had fun!!
i was really happy.haha,i also drank a lot,actually i didn't dink almost for 1 year,yup,everybody didn't believe,however,its result from my allergy ,therefore,i stoped to drink for a long time.
haha,yesterday every thing look great,my skin also good too!Cool,maybe i can start to drink occationally.
Today morning i opened my presents,nice!thanks to my sweet friends.but the one thing let me laugh is dannis give me 〝Centrum〞〈Vitamin〉,haha,really sweet!!
this year's birthday was special &Unforgettable !!love my dear friends!!^^

2008年9月6日 星期六

〝Webcams〞 vs.〝 face-face〞

Webcams is a creative technology or not?!recently,i disccuss with my parents about this issue...
In the traditionaal concept,it's associate with sex,violence ,and anyother negative effects.However,it's mainstream negative concept that is result from TV news.
In fact,there are lots of benefits.As webcam capabilities have been added to instant massaging text chat services such as AOL Instant Messenger, one-to-one live video communication over the internet has now reached millions of mainstream PC users worldwide. Increased video quality has helped webcams encroach on traditional video conferencing systems. New features such as lighting, real-time enhancements can make users more comfortable, further increasing popularity. Features and performance vary between programs.
Futhermore,security,privacy,and less time meeting other people face-to-face are an important issue that are under the spotlight of the public.
I believe that few of people know that Webcams are being used for security purposes. I've ever interviewed a couple that via webcam to keep their love,they aren't realise Webcam's function.Software is available allowing PC-connected cameras to watch for movement and sound, recording both when they are detected; these recordings can be saved to the computer, e-mailed or uploaded to the internet.maybe this function is an advantage to people or not.I don't give a positive opinion.
One the other hand,Some 〝Trojan horse〞 programs can allow malicious hackers to activate a computer's camera without the user's knowledge, providing the hacker with a live video feed from the unfortunate user's camera.its let public live under phobia.
The last thing is spending less time meeting other people face-to-face.The effect of this means that we are more lonely than ever before, that we understand one another less, and theat we are more likely to hurt others and be cruel to them.
Obviously I don't think it is a absolutely problem and needs a solution. To the contrary, people who are sociable would like to meet others face-to-face as well as via the Internet. Moreover, don't forget that even via the Internet we could still talk with others face-to-face by NetMeeting〈Webcam〉!
If the Internet does cause people to be lonelier and have less communication, it's simply an effect brought by individual themselves.Nevertheless, even it is a problem, a limited Internet session won't be a solution. It is meaningless that merely having a control on the session time without regulating the interval there between.
I believe internet is an impossible tool in our mordern life,i have to de is balance internet and face-to face communication. i see that some people are used to internet that they are hard to use face-to-face communication.However,good face-reading can provide an insight into a person's true feelings.As always,real skill demands practice but anyone can learn a few bsaics.sometims we are shy to eye contact to our conversation.But eye contact and head nods are crucial to our conversation.the single head nod indicates that the nodder has understood what is being said and wishes the speaker to continue.Rapid and repeat head nods indicate that the speaker wishes to speak.Eye contact is also vital,and we spend up to 75 per cent of time looking at the person we're talking to.We can also underline the points we are making by raising our eyebrows or pursing our lips.The eyebrows can also be raised in a kind of visual queation mark at the end of a sentence.Yo!!it's really interesting!!
Therefore,practice enhances face-reading,and a person may attain varying levels of success with it.on the other hand,in addition to use for personal videoconferencing, webcam was quickly realised that World Wide Web users enjoyed viewing images from cameras set up by others elsewhere in the world.
Today there are millions of webcams that provide views into homes, offices and other buildings as well as providing panoramic views of cities and the countryside. The one thing we have to do is enjoy it,and take use of creative technology,progressing our face-to face communication,don't let technology dominte our life.

2008年9月5日 星期五

my birthday bulletin board!!

my birthday bulletin board:
To advance hold my birthday party by two days on Saturday on September sixth,
at 10:00pm,
at Crissy〈No.240 Yanji St.〉,
the theme of the party is:Male:prison break;Female:dress,
Welcome to my dear friends,waiting for u!!^^

2008年9月4日 星期四

〝September〞 is a big month!!

Wow~September is a lucky months,there are lots of bithdays in this month.
look at my calendar,there have 18 people born in this month,including my birthday,and my grandmother &grandfather.
for me,actually,i'm seldom to hold big party to celebrate my birthday,just eat a lot with different friends.this year,i hold a small party at friend's lounge,crissy,it's also a good time to get together with my dear friends.on the other hand,maybe it's the last birthday i celebrate in Taiwan before i go abroad.
yeaterday,i chatted with my mom,she complained some family troubles.however,aunt's atitude that ignored grandmother bithday and it seems none of her business,really make my mom angry.this year is a big birthday for my grandmom〈70 years old 〉,but the relatives don't show filial obedience,maybe they must be involved in checking their perceptions and biases.
yeah,everyone always say:oh,sorry,i forgot!!it's really ridiculous!!
please,keeping ur brain young.it depends on use it or lose it!!
u may often hear the same complaint all the time as people get older:“My memory is terrible.”Is it all in the mind,or do real changes take place in the brain with age to justify such grumbling?
i believed Stress and preoccupation can cause such absent-mindedness,in addition to age-related changes in the brain.meanwhile,“use it or lose it might” apply to the ageing brain.
no matter what a gradual deterioration in the working memory,i think there still have another methods to help u to remember things,it depends that u care it or not!!

2008年9月3日 星期三

Hurry Sickness!!

a strange environment!!
Taipei is the busy and civilization city,everybody walk fastly,but in the gym,what person hurry about?why?why?why?it's ridiculous!!
I work-out every day,i go to 〝true yoga〞 to be more healthy.there have lots of classes u can choose,i remained faithful to “hot YoGa”.
one hour for a class,at the end of class must take deep breaks for 3 minutes.but lots of people in order to catch shower room,they always give up the last 3 minutes and run out the class and catch it.
i think it's really impolite to leave early,on the other hand,it's not good for ur body.
why not people slow down their pace and enjoy in exercise?!
i believe it's the symptoms of a modern epidemic called 〝hurry sickness〞.
it seems that people no longer have time to enjoy a meal,take exercise,and live a leisure life.Meanwhile,it has been an issue in our culture ever since,but the problem is escalating in degree and intensity,leading to rudeness,shorted-tempered behaviour and even violence,alongside a range of physical ills.
the chronic impatience is damaging not only to our social environment,but to our physical health.human beings always live in high-speed activity,even just hang out with friends.
the greatest paradox is that even when people are ready to change their behaviour,they are in a hurry to do so.
alas,further evidence of the effects of the increasing pace of life can be seen on all sides.could we contribute to technology?
maybe it's an excuse to explan,but i think people have to give youself some quiet time to slow down ur pace.
don't get hurry sickness and get into the technology of the blindness.

Taipei 101 still the tallest building in the world

In the four indication of the tallest building in the world,Taipei 101 take three indication:1. the tallest building,2.the most floors,and 3.the highest roof.

In comparison with other skyscrapers in the word, Taipei 101 with a height of 508 meters is the tallest building now.

The picture is the difference in high between Taipei 101 and Burj Dubai.

The Burj Dubai will be able to finish production at the end of the year,The Burj Bubai with a height of 808 meters,at that time Dubai will snatch the tallest building trophy.

maybe at the end of the year,Taipei 101 could,in the name of the tallest building in the world,apply for the last fireworks during the countdown to the New Year!