Webcams is a creative technology or not?!recently,i disccuss with my parents about this issue...
In the traditionaal concept,it's associate with sex,violence ,and anyother negative effects.However,it's mainstream negative concept that is result from TV news.
In fact,there are lots of benefits.As webcam capabilities have been added to instant massaging text chat services such as AOL Instant Messenger, one-to-one live video communication over the internet has now reached millions of mainstream PC users worldwide. Increased video quality has helped webcams encroach on traditional video conferencing systems. New features such as lighting, real-time enhancements can make users more comfortable, further increasing popularity. Features and performance vary between programs.
Futhermore,security,privacy,and less time meeting other people face-to-face are an important issue that are under the spotlight of the public.
I believe that few of people know that Webcams are being used for security purposes. I've ever interviewed a couple that via webcam to keep their love,they aren't realise Webcam's function.Software is available allowing PC-connected cameras to watch for movement and sound, recording both when they are detected; these recordings can be saved to the computer, e-mailed or uploaded to the internet.maybe this function is an advantage to people or not.I don't give a positive opinion.
One the other hand,Some 〝Trojan horse〞 programs can allow malicious hackers to activate a computer's camera without the user's knowledge, providing the hacker with a live video feed from the unfortunate user's camera.its let public live under phobia.
The last thing is spending less time meeting other people face-to-face.The effect of this means that we are more lonely than ever before, that we understand one another less, and theat we are more likely to hurt others and be cruel to them.
Obviously I don't think it is a absolutely problem and needs a solution. To the contrary, people who are sociable would like to meet others face-to-face as well as via the Internet. Moreover, don't forget that even via the Internet we could still talk with others face-to-face by NetMeeting〈Webcam〉!
If the Internet does cause people to be lonelier and have less communication, it's simply an effect brought by individual themselves.Nevertheless, even it is a problem, a limited Internet session won't be a solution. It is meaningless that merely having a control on the session time without regulating the interval there between.
I believe internet is an impossible tool in our mordern life,i have to de is balance internet and face-to face communication. i see that some people are used to internet that they are hard to use face-to-face communication.However,good face-reading can provide an insight into a person's true feelings.As always,real skill demands practice but anyone can learn a few bsaics.sometims we are shy to eye contact to our conversation.But eye contact and head nods are crucial to our conversation.the single head nod indicates that the nodder has understood what is being said and wishes the speaker to continue.Rapid and repeat head nods indicate that the speaker wishes to speak.Eye contact is also vital,and we spend up to 75 per cent of time looking at the person we're talking to.We can also underline the points we are making by raising our eyebrows or pursing our lips.The eyebrows can also be raised in a kind of visual queation mark at the end of a sentence.Yo!!it's really interesting!!
Therefore,practice enhances face-reading,and a person may attain varying levels of success with it.on the other hand,in addition to use for personal videoconferencing, webcam was quickly realised that World Wide Web users enjoyed viewing images from cameras set up by others elsewhere in the world.
Today there are millions of webcams that provide views into homes, offices and other buildings as well as providing panoramic views of cities and the countryside. The one thing we have to do is enjoy it,and take use of creative technology,progressing our face-to face communication,don't let technology dominte our life.